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Application guide - IOS


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Shelly Cloud is a home automation app for managing and controlling Shelly home automation devices. 

The App offers the possibility to control all Shelly devices remotely from any internet connection by using the cloud option. There is also an option not to connect your devices to the internet with local control mode. Devices do not need to be connected to the cloud or to send data there. 

A Shelly Cloud App user account is required to access, include, and control Shelly devices through the application.

Shelly devices are compatible with other most widely accepted both local and cloud based home automation platforms. Having a Shelly user account is necessary to include your Shelly devices to home automation platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. See further details at https://shelly.cloud/support/compatibility/.

Shelly Cloud allows you to create scenes for automatic control of devices at predefined hours or based on other parameters like temperature, humidity, light, etc. (with upcoming add-ons or available sensors on shelly.cloud). Shelly Cloud allows easy control and monitoring using a mobile phone, tablet, or PC. One Shelly Device can be grouped with other devices in the application. It can also be set to trigger actions on other Shelly devices, run schedules, scenes, and web hooks.


Download the Shelly Cloud Application here or scan the QR code on the Shelly device packaging.


The first time you load the Shelly Cloud mobile app, you have to create an account which can manage all your Shelly devices. You need to use an actual e-mail because that e-mail will be used in case of а forgotten password!

Forgotten Password

In case you forget or lose your password, click the Forgotten password link on the login screen and enter the e-mail used in your registration. You will receive an e-mail with а link to а page where you can reset your password. The link is unique and can be used only once.

First steps

Once you login, you will be taken to the default home page Rooms. Click the ADD button to add your first room. Set a room name, select an image for the room or upload your own. Then, you will be taken to the page of the room you just created, where you are going to add and use your Shelly devices. Click the ADD button to add a device to this room. Follow the steps below to add your device.

Device inclusion

Step 1

When the installation of your Shelly Device is done and the power is turned on, Shelly will create its own Wi-Fi Access Point (AP).

Step 2

Make sure the Location and Local Network for the Shelly Cloud app are enabled in your phone settings.

Please keep in mind that the inclusion process is different for iOS and Android devices.

IOS inclusion

Select Add device from the menu button  on the top right of your Shelly Cloud App. Enter your home network name and password, which is the network your device will later connect to, and click the NEXT button.

Select the method via which you want to add your device:

  • Wifi: Select your Shelly from the dropdown list. A message will pop up asking for your permission to connect to the AP of your Shelly Device (e.g ShellyPro3-f008d1d8bd68). Click the Join button.

  • Bluetooth: Select a device to add to your Wi-Fi network via Bluetooth.

  • Barcode Scan: Scan the barcode from the device box.

Step 3

Once this process is completed, approximately 10 seconds later, a pop up button will appear on the top of the page with ADD DISCOVERED DEVICES on the home screen of the Shelly Cloud App. Click the ADD DISCOVERED DEVICES button and find your Shelly device in the list. If you do not see it, try again by clicking the SCAN button.

Step 4 

You can choose which available device from the list to include. If a newer firmware update is available, the app will first let you update and then add the device. Click the ADD DEVICE button to move to the next step of the inclusion process.

Step 5

Enter a name for the device in the “device name” field. Select a room which the device will be added to. For easy recognition of the device select an image from the list of existing ones or upload your own. Click the DONE button.

Step 6

If you’d like to connect your device to the cloud and control it remotely, click Yes. In case you want to control your devices only locally, click No.

Default home page

When you first open the app, the default page is Rooms.

In the header bar, to the right of the Shelly logo, you will see two icons. Clicking on the text message icon takes you to your account Event Log page. Here you can see the timestamp, the room, name and information about your Shelly Devices. Some devices have a dropdown button in their leftmost column. Click on this button to reveal more information regarding the device. At the top of this page you can filter what actions you see. Click on the dropdown menu and select from: all, actuators, sensors or scenes. Click the blue refresh button to load new event data.

To the right of the text messages icon, you will see the menu button . Click on this button, and navigate to other pages and settings. There are instructions on the menu further down this page.

On the top left corner you, below the Shelly logo, you may see two icons. Clicking on the lighting icon (with a value in Watts), takes you to the Account Consumption page. Clicking on the shield icon (with text next to it saying "disarmed/armed"), takes you to the Alarm zones page.

On the top right corner, in line with the lighting and shield icons, you see two icons. Clicking on the move icon allows you to reorder the different rooms. Hold to drag each room to the desired position. Clicking on the edit icon allows you to edit or delete each room.

At the bottom of the page you will see three different icons for Rooms, Groups, and Scenes from left to right respectively. Click on each icon to navigate to the corresponding page.


Shelly Devices can be grouped with other devices in the application in order to control them together. Turn on/off all your devices at once by pressing the green/red power button  of the group.


Shelly Cloud allows you to create scenes for automatic control of devices at predefined hours or based on other parameters like temperature, humidity, light, etc. (with available sensors in Shelly Cloud). See this page for more information.

Menu button 

Here you have access to various settings and account information.


Add device

Follow the instructions above, under Device inclusion, to add a device. This setting is only visible on the Shelly mobile application, and not on the web application at home.shelly.cloud. You are only able to add devices from your mobile phone application.

Add a device by IP

Add device by inputting your Shelly Device IP address.

Discovered devices

Click the SCAN button to search for Shelly devices in the Wi-Fi network your mobile device or PC is connected to. The discovered devices on the Wi-Fi network will appear on this page. Click the ADD DEVICE button to add a Shelly Device to your account. Follow the instructions above, under Device Inclusion, Step 4 and onwards, to complete the inclusion process.

Add room

Set a room name, and select a room image or upload your own. You will then be taken to the page of your room, and given the option to add a device. Your newly added room will appear on the Rooms page of your app.

Add group

Set a group name, select a room, and a group image or upload your own. Then select which devices you want to group from the dropdown list of each room. You can only group devices with a similar functionality: relay, roller, light, or thermostat. Once you have selected your devices, press the SAVE GROUP button, and your new group will appear on the Groups page of your app. Now you can simultaneously turn on/off different devices in the same group. Click the button with the green power symbol  to turn on the devices, and the button with the red power symbol  to turn off the devices.

Add scene

Set the scene name, select a room, and an image or upload your own. Set an action to be executed in response to a set condition at a specific day and time throughout the week. See this page for device specific instructions on setting up scenes.

Add alarm

Set the alarm name, select an image or upload your own. Press the NEXT button. Then select the Shelly Device(s) that will handle your alarm zone. You can see all your saved alarms under Alarm Zones (found on the Menu ).

Update devices

Check for firmware updates by pressing the CHECK FOR UPDATES button. Update the firmware of your Shelly Devices one at a time by pressing their refresh button, or all at once by clicking the UPDATE ALL button.

Wi-Fi batch change

You can change the Wi-Fi network multiple Shelly devices are connected to, at the same time, using the Wi-Fi batch change function. Either select devices one at a time using their checkbox, or all listed devices by selecting the checkbox next to the button labelled CHANGE. Once you have selected your desired Shelly Devices, press the CHANGE button. Next, input the SSID (Wi-Fi network name) and password for the new Wi-Fi network you want to connect your devices to. Click the CHANGE button. You will get a message asking you "Are you sure?", so click CHANGE to complete the process. Your devices will now be connected to the new Wi-Fi network.

Hidden devices

This page contains devices that are not shown on the Rooms pages. From here you can turn your device on/off using the power button , and access the Device's status and control, and settings.

Shared devices

Here you can observe which devices have been shared with you. You have access to the shared Device's power button , and the Device Information. Click the edit icon on the top right hand side of the page to edit devices shared with you. An edit and delete icon appear on your device.

When you click the Device's edit icon, you can change the shared Device's name, room and image. These changes will only appear on your account, and not on the account of the person who shared the device with you. If you have changed the room of the shared Device, then it will no longer be on the Shared devices page, but on the newly selected room's page.


Amazon Alexa

Enable Shelly Cloud Skill and link your account with Alexa to easily control devices with your voice. You can unlink your account at any time, just disable Shelly Cloud Skill from Amazon Alexa app or from Shelly app.

Clicking on the ENABLE SKILL button opens Amazon on your default browser in order to link your Shelly Cloud account to Amazon Alexa.


Consumption panel

In addition to the Menu , this page can also be accessed by clicking the lighting icon located in the top left corner of the home page.

This page displays total power consumption for individual rooms, as well as total account consumption (at the top of the page). Included power consumption is shown in green (lighting icon) and excluded power consumption is shown in orange (eye-slash icon). The combination of included and excluded power consumption is written in white as "All together". By clicking on a specific room, you will see the power consumption of each device. If you press on the specific device, you are taken to its Consumption page.

The default page under Account Consumption is Current. On this page you see the current power consumption of the different rooms in your account.

Clicking on Overall takes you to a page which gives the total power consumption for the chosen time interval, shown on a chart, as well as showing values for each room. Above the power consumption chart, you can select the time interval and the date from which you want data to be shown.

Alarm zones

In addition to the Menu , this page can also be accessed by clicking the shield icon located in the top left corner of the home page.

Click the ADD button, set the alarm name, select or upload an image, and click the NEXT button. Select the Shelly devices that will handle your alarm zone, and click the SAVE ALARM ZONE button.

Add and create alarms via the ADD button. Alarms created by the Add alarm function, under Settings, also appear here. Arm/disarm all your alarms at the same time using the buttons with the shield icons at the top of the page. Arm your alarms by clicking the the button with the green line under the shield icon. Disarm your alarms by clicking the the button with the red line under the shield icon. Individually arm/disarm an alarm by clicking its button with the shield icon.

User settings


Change text on this application to your preferred language. Choose from ten different available languages: English, Български, Deutsch, Italiano, Español, Русскуий, Português, Polski, עִברִית, Türkçe.

Time Zone

Set your time zone manually, or enable/disable automatic detection. If you change the time zone manually, ensure you click the CHANGE TIME ZONE button.


Enable/disable push and email notifications.

Manage Images

Choose an image gallery. Delete previously uploaded images by clicking the x button. You will be asked "Are you sure you want to delete this image?" and press Yes.

Account Password

Change your account password. Input your old password, and enter your new password as prompted on the screen. When you press the SUBMIT button, you will be logged out of your account. You will need to enter your email and new password to log back into your account.

Grant Account Access

Grant temporary support access to your account. This will set a 24 hour timer in which our support team can access your account. You can revoke support access at any time.

Change Email

Change your account email by entering the new email you wish to use and your account password. Press the SUBMIT button.

Lock Pin

Enter a lock pin of 4 digits.

Authorization Cloud Key

Click the GET KEY button to obtain the Authorization Cloud Key. You can copy this key.

Delete Account

Click the DELETE ACCOUNT button to permanently delete your account. You will be asked if your are sure you want to delete your account with all your devices and data. If you are certain you want to delete your Shelly Cloud account, then click the CONFIRM button.

Buy Shelly Devices

When you click here, the Shelly Shop page will automatically open up in your default internet browser. You can browse all Shelly Devices.

Log out

Log out of your account. You will be taken to the login page.


Privacy policy

Read the privacy policy. Consent to receive messages for new products, services, and promotions via an email from your profile by ticking the checkbox. At the bottom of the page, click the I AGREE button to agree to the Privacy Policy.



Referrence - https://kb.shelly.cloud/knowledge-base/application-guide

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