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I hope to use the Shelly BLU Button 1 as a button in a web app game I'm creating. I have used the WebBluetooth API to connect with other BLE devices, where I can use a READable BLE Characteristic to inform my web app that e.g. a button has been pressed.

In order to connect to a device (and then access BLE Characteristics) I have to provide the Service UUID of the device when I make the connection. But I can't find this Service UUID anywhere! The online documentation seem to mention Characteristics UUIDs, but not the Service UUID.

Does anyone know what the Service UUID is? And what is the UUID of the READable characteristic that I can listen to to know when the button has been pressed? 

Many thanks!


On 11/29/2024 at 10:24 AM, Heinz said:

i would like to help you but im not sure if i would be on any help here have you tried using a scanner tool to see if that gives you the UUID ?

I haven't no. Do you have one to suggest? I have an Android and Windows machine easily at hand. I almost downloaded and ran one tool for Windows, but... it was an .exe downloaded from the internet and... I chickened out! 😆


OK, I used the BLE Scanner and managed to connect to the Shelly BLU Button. I discovered five services. Three 'standard' ones with UUIDs in the 0x18000 format, and two custom services with full UUIDs. They all had a mix of R/W characteristics. None of the readable characteristics seemed to do any kind of advertisements, so not sure how you are meant to be alerted when a button is pressed... I tried to check all the  readable characteristics to see if any would change over time. Some did, but no matter if I pressed or double pressed the button, so I presume they just send some kind of time-based counter. Nothing I did to the button seemed to be readable as far as I saw.

I read that the BTHome standard that Shelly is part of has a reserved service UUID at 0xFCD2. I tried to connect to it but no luck. See: https://bthome.io/images/License_Statement_-_BTHOME.pdf

Not sure where to go from here. I can't believe that no one has tried to connect to this button using Web Bluetooth! It would be so cool!

BLE (info).jpg

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