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Hoping someone can help or point me in the right direction.... I'm used to using Webrelay devices which seem to have more built in conditioning.

I would like to trigger Output 1 ON based on Input 1 being ON.  BUT only if the condition of SUNSET is met.

The output must flip if Input 1 goes OFF.

And Output does not operate during SUNRISE no matter what input1 status is.


I can see the action state to use the input and schedule to use sunset but can't see a way to tie them together unless it has to be a custom script?


let see: you wrote also "the output should flip if input go off" ? is flip a sinonymous for "toggle" or for "go off" ?

I am thinking that you want to say that light may go on if input goes on during the period from sunset to sunrise, while may go off at any time ?
If so there is an easy way, but you have to do some manual [or triggered by another host] work:
you can set an action, linked to a change of state of your command switch, that is performed only during a certain period of time, but the only setting that you can do is "from timeA to timeB, every day" .
The external server would care to upadate the times preiodically [i think that even a few minutes off are not a problem].
If you accept that at sunrise all switches turn off maybe we can have also a trick to have the reset the times automatically, but honestly having a separate device that set the allowed times would be easier.

11 hours ago, richardgibbs said:

To clarify the way I want it to work:

Input 1 will trigger output 1 but only of sunset to sunrise is active.

likewise if input 1 goes off so does output 1 

solution could be : since you have two outputs but use only one the other one could be the switch for the switch.
output 0 is driven by sunset-sunrise and you connect the mecanichal switch you want to control to that output, if it is not powered the switch has no action.

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