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Wave shutter relay becoming unresponsive in HA


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i have finally bought about 10 of the shelly qubino wave shutter relays to control my house blinds.
i installed them, included them in the Zwave network through my Aeotec Zwave USB stick in home assistant, have calibrated them and started to use them.

however, recently they have become unresponsive in random. one room has 4 blinds and sometimes blind #1 becomes unresponsive eventhough in HA it shows as online and alive.
I have to power cycle the relay to get it back to work again, but then it fails again. also relay #4 which is in the same room has this random dropping issue. Day before it was relay #2 and even relay #3.

i have made an automation in HA to group 4 shutter relays to be able to control the tilting, and when i tried it once or twice it worked, and then some blinds started dropping out and did not tilt as was requested by the tilt function in HA.
then i tried to control the tilt individually but no response, but in HA it showed the device as online and available, but unresponsive. then i tried to control it with the manual switch, in some case it worked, but in others it was not responding at all.

The RSI strength is around -64, RTT 875ms,  it has a direct connection to the zwave stick, no bounce through other nodes.

i have tried to reinclude the devices, rebuild route for the device and for the whole wave network but without success.

i have also updated the firmware to 12.23.0,  but no luck.

can you tell me what the issue might be? is it range? is RSI -64 not strong enough? 

the statistics show 0 dropped commands on the TX, but about 36 dropped on the RX side. total of 5866 commands were sent/received.

please let me know what i can do to resolve this problem.

thank you for any help and advice.


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