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MQTT topic relay/0/power erased on relay/0/command="on"


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I am using a Shelly 1PM as a dead man switch (automatic shutdown whenever the controlling device dies) using its auto off timer. I am controlling and monitoring (its relay and power measurements) using mqtt (via a dedicated moquitto broker -- set the Shelly to retained messages as i want to obtain its announcement topic even if the Shelly is currently off)... So whenever i send an "on" to the command topic (relay/0/command) the timer will be reset. So far so good. But as a side effect the relays power topic (here: relay/0/power) will be removed (set to null) and only after some time it starts to provide new measurements again as if it would have been just switched on... as i need to send the "on" payload to the command topic fairly rapid to keep the Shelly switched on and avoid the auto timer to step in, I do not get any usable values anymore... and in the end, as my system (an esp32 with multiple controls) detects a difference between the measured power and the expected wattage, it shuts down the hole system... In my opinion its a bug to reset/remove the measurement if an already enabled relay will be switched "on" (again) by an mqtt message "relay/0/command=on" or a web api call (here: http://<IP>/relay/0?turn=on)... in the end the measurement should just go on as there is no switching involved.
Do you see the same side effect on your Shelly 1PM?
Do you see any solution besides switching to another firmware?
PS.: Updating the Shelly 1PM to the current beta firmware does not change anything :(
Edited by fumanchi
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Here an update on this issue:

The technical shelly support states (multiple times) that this is not considered a bug but a limitation on hard- and software. I switched to tasmota as the support team suggested. In the end it just sad as i know it cannot be a hard limitation as its always possible to find some bytes by optimizing the compression or reducing the size of images used in the webapp -- just to mention obvious location. On the other hand I understand, that support for old hardware is always a milestone around ones neck.

Maybe someone still has a solution... I would appreciate any suggestion and will therefore keep my (old) source code interacting with the original shelly firmware via mqtt...

Btw: As the unmodified Shelly 1PM hardware running Tasmota is capable to perfectly handle the setup outlined above, there obviously is no hardware limitation involved. Therefore and due to the fact that software limitation can be ruled out because of the reasons mentioned above its a political and in the end a financial reason why this issue is not considered a bug.

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