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Group associations issues

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I just bought a few Shelly Wave devices (I4 and 1PM mini) and I am currently testing them with Home Assistant and Aeotec Z-Stick 7.

My goal to control a light from 2 push buttons at both sides of a room.

I would like to avoid a dependency on the controller, so i am trying to achieve that with associations.

I put a Wave I4 behind both push buttons (Niko), connected to the SW1.

I put a Wave 1PM Mini behind the light.

I included the 3 devices in Home Assistant and made sure they were at their latest firmware (same for the Aeotech controller).

The SW1 has its default value of Momentary switch, which matches the connected push button behavior.

I have been able to create an association from the first I4 SW1 (Group4 Basic On/Off SW1) towards the target 1PM Mini target Endpoint (Root Endpoint).

And it works, if I press the push button, the 1PM Mini gets triggered and lights the lamp.

However, first problem, if I power off my Home Assistant box, it does not work anymore, or erratically.

It might trigger the 1PM after a long delay or not trigger it at all.

Doesn't seem reliable at all.

Second issue:

If I add an association on my second I4 behind the other push-button switch, association towards the same target 1PM Mini, it does not seem to be possible to control the target from both sources. Indeed, if I press the first button, the 1PM Mini gets activated but if I want to turn it off from the second button, it does not work.

Indeed, when pressing the second button, it seems to give the 1PM the instruction to switch on instead of to toggle. As the 1PM is already on from the push on the 1rst button, it discards the action sent from the 2nd button. If I press a second time on the 2nd button, then the command to switch to off is sent to the 1PM which turns the light off.

But then, for the 1rst I4, the light is still on and a press on the button will send he Off command while the light is already off, so without any effect.

Bottom line, it does not seem possible, using 2 switches, to toggle a 1PM Mini on/off independently of the switch we use.

Is there anything I can do to fix both issues ?

BTW, if I delete the associations and create an automation to toggle the 1PM Mini if any of the 2 SW1 change state, it works flawlessly.
But I would like to avoid the dependency with Home Assistant...

Thank you for your comments


Edited by Benoit Dolvelde
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