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BUG REPORT - energy counter counting wrong when energy goes into the grid

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Hi all,

not sure how I can report a bug on the PM mini gen3 device, so I'll do it here 🙂 Hoping that someone can comment on it and if this issue really seems to be a bug, that it will be forwarded to the shelly developers 😉

There seems to be an issue with the energy counters. I have a photovoltaic battery system (max 1,8kW) attached to the PM mini gen3 device. In case energy flows back into the grid/house, the device is correctly reporting the current power with a minus sign. In this case, both energy counters are beeing increased with the energy flowing. Also, the energy of the last 3 minutes are showing same values in both flowing directions (aenergy and ret_aenergy).

Example (with screenshot):
- apower = -315,3 Watt  (quite stable for the last minutes)
- ret_aenergy.total AND aenergy.total is being increased
- I would expect that only ret_aenergy.total is being increased
- You can also see, that the energy is showing up in the last 3 minutes as part of the aenergy object. It should only show up in the ret_aenergy object.

Can someone confirm this behaviour? I'm using the latest (original and stable) firmware 1.4.2.

2024-10-11 22_51_19-Window.png

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