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Search for Shelly pro3 Script Programmer

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I am looking for a programmer for a fee who can write me a shelly script for the following requirement:

if boolean:200 true then switch out 1 and out 3
if s2 on then switch out 2 and 3 on
if virtualSwitchId = 200 false and s2 on then switch out 1
if virtualSwitchId = 200 false and s2 off then turn off out 3
if s2 off and virtualSwitchId = 200 true then turn out 2 off
if s2 off and virtualSwitchId = 200 false then turn out 3 off

Thank You

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Hello @If_then_else, 

her my anser:

if boolean:200 true then switch on out 1 and out 3
if s2 on then switch on out 2 and 3 on
if virtualSwitchId = 200 false and s2 on then switch  turn off out 1
if virtualSwitchId = 200 false and s2 off then turn off out 3
if s2 off and virtualSwitchId = 200 true then turn off out 2 off
if s2 off and virtualSwitchId = 200 false then turn off out 3 off


Thank You




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With your new information the situation looks a little different.


I think you can understand the matrix and adapt the script - code below yourself.

/// Decode Inputs to Outputs V1.0
/// Created by if_then_else or HighFive © 2024
let log = 1; // If no console log needed please set log to "0"
let inputStateOld = -1;
function timerHandler() {
    let inputState = 0;
    /// Read all input
    if (Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:0').state === true) {
        inputState = inputState + 1;
    if (Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:1').state === true) {
        inputState = inputState + 2;
    if (Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:2').state === true) {
        inputState = inputState + 4;
    if (Shelly.getComponentStatus('boolean:200').value === true) {
        inputState = inputState + 8;
    /// Set Output relays
    Shelly.call("Switch.set", {
        'id': 0,
        'on': (inputState == 08) || (inputState == 09) || (inputState == 10) || (inputState == 11) ||
            (inputState == 12) || (inputState == 13) || (inputState == 14) || (inputState == 15)
    Shelly.call("Switch.set", {
        'id': 1,
        'on': (inputState == 02) || (inputState == 03) || (inputState == 06) || (inputState == 07)
    Shelly.call("Switch.set", {
        'id': 2,
        'on': (inputState == 02) || (inputState == 03) || (inputState == 06) || (inputState == 07) ||
            (inputState == 08) || (inputState == 09) || (inputState == 10) || (inputState == 11) ||
            (inputState == 12) || (inputState == 13) || (inputState == 14) || (inputState == 15)
    /// Print all input and relay states to console window 
    if ((log != 0) && (inputState != inputStateOld)) {
        print('Input number: ' + inputState +
            ' | Virtual input {bool:200}: ' + (Shelly.getComponentStatus('boolean:200')).value +
            ' | s1: ' + Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:0').state +
            ' | s2: ' + Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:1').state +
            ' | s3: ' + Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:2').state +
            ' | OUT1: ' + Shelly.getComponentStatus('switch', 0).output +
            ' | OUT2: ' + Shelly.getComponentStatus('switch', 1).output +
            ' | OUT3: ' + Shelly.getComponentStatus('switch', 2).output);
    inputStateOld = inputState;

Timer.set(1000, true, timerHandler, null);


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I am looking for help with a similar program

I have 3 rooms each has a separate  shelly unit which turns the  boiler D on and off

I have no issue with turning the boiler D on

When each room goes to turns off the boiler

Room A  only turn the boiler off if B and C are off

Room B  only turn the boiler off if A and C are off

Room C  only turn the boiler off if A and B are off




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I have 3 different rooms each with a Wall Display switching a Shelly Plus 1 pm

Calling each of these Shelly Plus 1 pm A, B, C.

We also have a 4th Shelly Plus 1 pm which switches the boiler on and off called D.

A, B, C. when turned on by Each Wall display they turn on D.

When A is turned off by the Wall Display if B or C are on it takes no action

if both B and C are off it turns D off.

When B is turned off by the Wall Display if A or C are on it takes no action

if both A and C are off it turns D off.

When C is turned off by the Wall Display if A or B are on it takes no action

if both A and B are off it turns D off.




Many Thanks

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I spent a long time with your rather complex function description.

My conclusion at the end was that you have a very simple function (A or B or C = D).

I put this into the script below.

The script installation must take place in room "D" and then you have to enter the 3 IP addresses of rooms A..C in lines 13..15.

/// Read status of Room "A" + "B" + "C" and if any is "ON" then set also Room "D" V1.0
/// Script is only running on Room "D"
/// Created by HighFive (if then else) © 2024
/// Email: highfive@smartshome.work 
/// Email: if_then_else@smartshome.work
/// *** User values ***
let IP_Room_A = '192.168.xxx.xxx'; // Set IP address for room "A"
let IP_Room_B = '192.168.xxx.xxx'; // Set IP address for this "B"
let IP_Room_C = '192.168.xxx.xxx'; // Set IP address for this "C"
let log = 1; /// If no console log needed please set log to "0"
/// *** End ***
/// *** internal ***
let stateSwitches = [false, false, false];
let timer = 0;
/// *** End ***
function timerHandler() {
    switch (timer) {
        case 0:
            Shelly.call('http.get', {
                    url: 'http://' + IP_Room_A + '/rpc/switch.getstatus?id=0'
                function(response) {
                    stateSwitches[0] = (JSON.parse(response.body).output === true);
        case 1:
            Shelly.call('http.get', {
                    url: 'http://' + IP_Room_B + '/rpc/switch.getstatus?id=0'
                function(response) {
                    stateSwitches[1] = (JSON.parse(response.body).output === true);
        case 2:
            Shelly.call('http.get', {
                    url: 'http://' + IP_Room_C + '/rpc/switch.getstatus?id=0'
                function(response) {
                    stateSwitches[2] = (JSON.parse(response.body).output === true);
            timer = 0;
    Shelly.call('Switch.set', {
        'id': 0,
        'on': stateSwitches[0] || stateSwitches[1] || stateSwitches[2]
    if (log != 0) {
        print('INPUT Room A: ' + state_to_ON_OFF(stateSwitches[0]) +
            ' || INPUT Room B: ' + state_to_ON_OFF(stateSwitches[1]) +
            ' || INPUT Room C: ' + state_to_ON_OFF(stateSwitches[2]) +
            ' || OUTPUT Room D: ' + state_to_ON_OFF(Shelly.getComponentStatus('switch', 0).output))
Timer.set(1000, true, timerHandler, null);
function state_to_ON_OFF(state) {
    if (state === true) {
        return 'ON'
    } else {
        return 'OFF'


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