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Use with switch and dimmer (2-way)

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I have a 2 way setup wired as follows:

Supply -> dimmer -> switch -> lights

I wanted to use one output of a 2PM behind the switch to control the on/off (leaving the dimmer to control its own on/off/brightness manually)

Is this possible? I got some flickering when the lights were supposed to be off, when i tried it..

I am powering the shelly with a live feed that is not dimmed. The dimmed live goes through the switch and into SW1, and O1 goes to the lights.

I was hoping the shelly could pass a dimmed supply through the SW to O, but perhaps not?


Thanks for any insight!

Edited by RichardK
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I may have found my answer elsewhere: https://m.facebook.com/notes/shelly-support-group-english-version/can-i-use-a-shelly-relay-with-a-mechanical-dimmer-switch/2590887441010604/#:~:text=Can I Use a Shelly Relay With a Mechanical Dimmer Switch%3F,-February 12%2C 2020&text=Any Shelly relay (1%2C 1PM,to the Shelly switch input.


This says the relay can only be used before the dimmer.


I suppose this makes sense - using it after the dimmer would make the relay think it is being turned on/off at a very high speed, as the dimmer modulates the voltage.

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