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Controlling Shelly Pro 2 relay using Curl

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I'm trying to control the Shelly Pro 2 relay using a Curl command as I want to prepare a .bat file to turn on and off the relay. I've used the command given in the Switch.set example down in the page. The command is:
curl -X POST -d '{"id":1,"method":"Switch.Set","params":{"id":0,"on":true}}' http://${SHELLY}/rpc
But I kept getting:
curl: (3) URL rejected: Bad hostname

I assume I need to add the IP address of the device somewhere, but since I have zero experience with Curl, everything I tried returned an error. I've tried to put the ip address after POST, and I got:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 after 2045 ms: Couldn't connect to server
I googled the error and it mostly related to firewall, so I disabled the firewall and also made sure port 443 is enabled in & out, but still getting the same error.

I've posted this on Reddit, and I was advised to replace ${SHELLY} with my ip. I did that and got 'invalid request'

note that I'm able to control the relay using HTTP GET command from the browser, but I just need it to run from CMD.

Any thoughts?

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well for curl the command should be 

curl http://<SHELLY_IP>/relay/0?turn=on

if you want it off then 

curl http://<SHELLY_IP>/relay/0?turn=off



curl http://<SHELLY_IP>/relay/0?turn=toggle

where the <SHELLY_IP> is that is what you should replace with the IP address of the device 

for a .bat file I made and tested this and worked 


@echo off
curl http://<SHELLY_IP> /relay/0?turn=toggle

Have a try and let me know if that helped

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