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Washer "Done" Notification


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My idea is to use the power that feeds the led that illuminates when the laundry load is done, to trigger the Shelly UNI to send a notification to my Google Assistant that the laundry is done. In theory, do you believe that would work, and if so, how would I wire it up? Never worked with a Shelly before.


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It is possible, you could add an optocoupler to the existing LED, for example a PC817. The transmitting diode must be in series with the Done LED, for this you have to cut a conductor track on the board and solder the optocoupler there.

A much easier way is the use of a PM Mini which measures the power of the machine.

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I get the idea here its not a bad idea but then you would need to open up the washing machine and the chance of you doing something wrong might be higher. I am not sure of your electronics skills so its hard to say if it would be easy or not. 

As @horkatz mentioned it would be more simple to add a device that can measure power and then you can set a rule that when the device is under a X amount of power consumption then a alarm or alert can be sent to you via the phone or the google home assistant 

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