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Shelly 2pm Shutter position via http


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what is the variable placeholder for roller shutter position when sending an http call out via Actions?


I tried many possibilities but none of them are working

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 I'm trying to update a virtual device with the current position of the shutter. I want this to be sent as a webhook in the actions section of shelly. After stopping when ever the shutter is moved with the switch or from the the app it should send this webhook to my home automation controller to update the device. 

Is there no variable that can be used, same as roller_pos is used in the request?

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Yes, i have looked at tried all options that i can think of:




There must be a way to get the current position of the shutter to be called as a variable for use in the Actions section of shelly. Im sure im just not using the proper format. I just cant find what the proper context should be!


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