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Shelly BLU relay, battery powered

Martin G

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It is not always possible to get power (AD or DC) where you need to have a relay (dry contact).
Hence, would be good to have a battery powered (charge with USB-C) Shelly Bluetooth relay.
Should be able to manage it not only by Shelly Smart Control but also by script (e.g. 'Switch.Set', 'Switch.Toggle',...) through the Gen 3 device / Bluetooth Gateway to which it would be linked/paired. 

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a curiosity: if you do not have any kind of power, what would the relay switch ?

the only known case is the TRV (that however does not switch electric currents);

also a BLE switch could have a latency too high for most purposes, so probaly a BT, yes, a BLE not sure

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I have a push button switch in my home which works as a dry contact to open/close my automatic gate.

There is no neutral/- available. Only one cable which is "open" (NO, normally open) and is temporally closed when I press the button.

I plugged in parallel of the manual switch a Bluetooth relay, battery powered, of another brand, and it works but it is not as good as Shelly products (in particular, no local scripting feature).  But the Bluetooth gateway has local API and therefore I can already pilot it from Shelly Cloud Control using a virtual component.

So, this kind of device, Bluetooth relay, battery powered, already exists and fulfill a need but I would prefer to have a "native Shelly" product.


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