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Verfügbarkeit von Dimmer gen3

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The strategy behind this product strategy is not understandable.

  • Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3 (Unavaible for more then 4weeks)
  • Shelly Pro Dimmer 0/1-10V PM (Coming sun)

I hope the rumors on social-media about poor insulation of the low voltage part of the Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3 are not true.

Because then I have a serious problem with my projects using this part.


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IMHO the topic in this thread is the delivery problems of the Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3 and Pro Dimmer 0/1-10V PM.

I think it is better to clarify the reason for the long delivery delay with an official statement to customers
than to analyze the consequences without a binding clarification from Shelly. 😉


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Posted (edited)


23 hours ago, If_then_else said:

hope the rumors on social-media about poor insulation of the low voltage part of the Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3 are not true.

This was your statement, not mine! But let’s forget and wait for an official statement…

Edited by thgoebel
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10 minutes ago, thgoebel said:

But let’s forget and wait for an official statement…

I also hope Shelly changes the strategy between product announcements on their website,

maybe they should also rethink how they communicate current customer problems and questions.

This below has been too little information for 4..5 weeks and is unprofessional for me as a customer.



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