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Using Shelly 1 Plus Add On to turn central heating on/off based on temperature in two different rooms


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Hi, is it possible to use one Shelly 1 Plus Add On with two wired temperature sensors to measure the temperature in two different rooms and switch a central heater on/off based on the measured room temperatures? I would like to create separate scenes per temperature sensor and preferably make two different schedules based on the two different temperature readings. The scene would look something like this: switch the central heater on on Mondays between 8 and 10 if the temperature in room 1 is lower than 20. Looking forward to your reply. 


Edited by JohnVanDijk
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4 minutes ago, JohnVanDijk said:

Shelly 1 Plus Add On with two wired temperature sensors

Ja, es gehen bis zu 5x DS18B20 Temp Sensoren


7 minutes ago, JohnVanDijk said:

two different rooms and switch a central heater on/off

Ein Plus Shelly 1 hat nur einen Ausgang (Relais) also geht direkt nur einer


9 minutes ago, JohnVanDijk said:

central heater

Um was für eine Steuerung geht es hier? Soll er komplett aus geschaltet werden oder einzelne Räume? Hat er steuerbare Eingänge?

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