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Reports power draw when there is none


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I've got a Shelly1PM that has started to report incorrect power draw since a few months back (I'm logging the data in Home assistant). This shelly1pm is controlling my waterpump, which doesn't run very frequently at all. Then on the 27th of June it all of a sudden started reporting a constant draw of ~200w and has been doing so ever since. 

There is an on/off physical switch in between the pump and the 1pm, but even if I switch it and physically disconnect the pump the 1pm still reports ~226w

https://imgur.com/wgA3lHE - Numbers for power draw doesn't add up

https://imgur.com/hes0gYD - Seems like the amp value started slowly reporting a consistent draw first and then the power draw followed later on

I've also got a load balancer for my EV charger that measures the draw on all 3 phases, and it doesn't agree with the 1pm that there is a constant draw of 2 amps 

https://imgur.com/v3Q2wvc - See L1/L2/L3 measured for the point I'm hovering over

Edited by getekha
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