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4PM display


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my idea was to use in the kitchen, where the distribution board is quite visible, so IIT IS the wall diplay, and it could be used as a timer for oven, stove, boiler, so seeing at a glance how much time is missing would be a bonus. otherwise three 1plus would be cheaper and would do the same job.

Edited by wooly
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It has a lot of features, that i do not need [such media player: i always cook in silence] or are not useful [in a small kitchen the thermostat can do very little ...].
So the 3x1PM + the wall display would cost me the double than the PRO4PM ... not taking in account that wall display looks more delicate than the PRO4 and would need its own space on the wall.
At this point a cheap tablet would do the job even better (and has a bigger screen), and can move around if necessary.

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