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accessing the power meter in PlugS scripts


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I want to stop charging my mobile phone when the charging current exceeds a threshold.

On the web interface's home screen, the plug shows power meter values when the phone is charged. How can I access those values from within the scripting interface to turn the device off?

Here is my attempt, and i get the message that the status can not be read

// Schwellwerte definieren
let powerThreshold = 5.0;      // Leistung in Watt
let currentThreshold = 0.025;  // Strom in Ampere
let checkInterval = 60;        // Überprüfungsintervall in Sekunden

// Funktion zur Überprüfung von Leistung und Strom
function checkPowerAndCurrent() {
    // Liste möglicher Komponentennamen für 'emeter'
    let emeterComponents = ["emeter", "emeter_0"];
    let emeterStatus = null;

    // Iteriere über mögliche Komponentennamen und versuche, den Status abzurufen
    for (let i = 0; i < emeterComponents.length; i++) {
        emeterStatus = Shelly.getComponentStatus(emeterComponents[i], 0);
        if (emeterStatus) {
            print("Verwendet 'emeter' Komponente: ", emeterComponents[i]);

    if (emeterStatus && typeof emeterStatus === 'object') {
        let currentPower = emeterStatus.power;
        let currentCurrent = emeterStatus.current;
        // Überprüfen, ob Leistung und Strom unter den Schwellwerten liegen
        if (currentPower < powerThreshold && currentCurrent < currentThreshold) {
            // Plug ausschalten
            Shelly.call("Switch.Set", { id: 0, on: false }, function (result) {
                if (result.code === 0) {
                    print("Plug wurde ausgeschaltet, da die Bedingungen erfüllt sind.");
                } else {
                    print("Fehler beim Ausschalten des Plugs: ", result.message);
        } else {
            print("Bedingungen nicht erfüllt. Aktuelle Leistung: ", currentPower, "W, Strom: ", currentCurrent, "A");
    } else {
        print("Fehler: Konnte den Status des 'emeter' nicht abrufen.");

        // Zusätzliche Debugging-Informationen
        Shelly.call("Shelly.GetStatus", {}, function (status) {
            if (status && status.code === 0) {
                print("Gesamter Gerätestatus: ", JSON.stringify(status.data));
            } else {
                print("Fehler: Konnte den Gesamten Gerätestatus nicht abrufen.");

// Timer setzen, um die Funktion in festgelegten Intervallen auszuführen
Timer.set(checkInterval * 1000, true, checkPowerAndCurrent);

As you can see, I have already tried to figure out the name myself, to no avail. Please help!

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Don't do : emeterStatus = Shelly.getComponentStatus(emeterComponents[i], 0);

But rather : Shelly.call("Switch.GetStatus",{id:0},monitor_energy);

With : function monitor_energy(result, error_code, error_message){
if(error_code === 0){


You will get  result.current (and other meters, see https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/ComponentsAndServices/Switch#status )

The current charge follow a curve. It increases a little bit at beginning of charge and then slowly decreases. You must find when it goes below a given value 3 minutes in a row (to avoid stopping the charge if a short drop in charge happens) which represents approximately 80% of charge of your phone.

NB : Android 15 will have a feature to automatically stop the charge at 80% 😉

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