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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Shelly BLU Door/Window

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Several days ago I bought an open/closed door sensor, and it only works sometimes, if the door is left open when I close it after 5 minutes for example it stops showing closed/open, I have to restart it every time, bad purchase

Edited by joedualmar
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I have quite a few Door and window devices and I have not had any issues like this.

I would recommend that you check the following

  • Check that its updated to the latest firmware
  • check how far it is from a Blu Gateway 
  • Check the battery 
  • How far is the magnet from the sensor 

Can you send a picture of how the device is installed and when its opened? 

can you also take a screen shot of what the product is showing you on the app. 

happy to help with your issue

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