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shutting off second output when first one draws too much current.


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Needs: I have two devices [mostly resistive] loads connected to two outputs, each one could draw between a fraction of W up to 2.2 kW . but the line that connect them cannot accept more than 14 A for periods over 30 sec. I need that the controlling device [2plusPM] shut down the second output when the combined load exceed 14A for more than 9 seconds, then wait until the load on the first output go under 3.5A , then reactivate first output, and restart the 30 second poll

I was thinking that power would have been handled in a similar way as temperature and humidity on uni, but on the web interface of the 2+PM these is nothing, other then "protection", that hovewer works on a single load, not on the sum.

There is some ready script to accomplish this need ?
(also same answer in case of the 4PM PRO, in this case the 14A limit are counted on all outputs, but only the 1 can be sacrified)

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