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Shelly disconnects from the internet after a few days


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Hi everyone.


After some days my Shelly is not reachable anymore, and I need to restart my ASUS ax56u to make it work again. Any of you experiencing the same? I tried making a fixed IP for the Shelly in my DHCP settings, but it seems not to be enough.

It seems like the Shelly is connected correctly on the Wifi, but it is just not reachable from the APP.

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I have a few questions regarding the above. 

How many devices do you have on the network and what are the effects is it only the shelly device that is disconnected? 
What device are you having problems with when the Shelly goes offline or is it only the Shelly? 
When you go to the Device locally does the device have Cloud enabled? 
Do you run a VLAN setup for your network? 
Did you give the device a fixed IP address from the router side or the Shelly side? 

Can you send a screen shot of your device settings maybe provide the log files so I can have a look? 


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