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Shelly Smoke Plus loose Wifi every now and then, and won't connect back until wake-up


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I'm courious, if this is a known matter, that the Shelly Smoke Plus loose the Wifi Signal after a copule of hours or days (when the wake-up Button not pressed for this time).

And it seems, that it won't connect again until I press 3x the button, and wake it up.


Is this normal?

Can I still trust the device to detect smoke in this condition?

Will it fire up the Scene "Smoke detected", and not just beep (if nobody's at home, nobody will hear it)


By now, I have 8 Smoke in almost every room. Every Device get's really good WiFi Singal. - This can not be the issue.


In this picture, you can see, that Shelly Smoke 1 has no wifi, it's just "disconnected":

Shelly Smoke 2 has WiFi, and everything seems ok to me.


And by the way, I have an "organized" Network. I know every IP of each device in my LAN, because for all the shellys I don't use DHCP. Every device get's his own static IP. - Seems to work very well so far.


It's not always the Shelly Smoke 1 which looses Wifi. This happens to other Smoke Devices as well.

It's actually not intended to wake up every Device every morning manually by pressing the button 3x.

Actually I should not care about this. Just watch the Battery Power, and that's it.


Can I still trust these devices, even if they loose WiFi?



Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-22 um 10.25.31.png

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-22 um 10.25.01.png

Edited by Walt
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The device will not always be online it wakes up every 24 hours to connect to the network.  It then stays in low power mode to detect smoke. But the device going offline like that is odd. 

Only thing I would ask now is to send the device logs and status of the device to see what its doing 


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