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New forum?


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I didn't came here for quite a long time.
I just found the original forum link (https://www.shelly-support.eu/dashboard-en/) doesn't work anymore, or can't login.
Managed to find what seems to be the new web location of the Shelly community forum, but it also seems the old credentials to login doesn't work anymore.
From a quick look, it seems even that the old forum content is gone!?
So it also seems that the old threads I created are gone!?

Can you please highlinghten me or confirm, if my assumptions above are correct? 


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2 hours ago, Conchas said:


I didn't came here for quite a long time.
I just found the original forum link (https://www.shelly-support.eu/dashboard-en/) doesn't work anymore, or can't login.
Managed to find what seems to be the new web location of the Shelly community forum, but it also seems the old credentials to login doesn't work anymore.
From a quick look, it seems even that the old forum content is gone!?
So it also seems that the old threads I created are gone!?

Can you please highlinghten me or confirm, if my assumptions above are correct? 


This (official Shelly forum) is completely different than that was.

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18 hours ago, Conchas said:


I didn't came here for quite a long time.
I just found the original forum link (https://www.shelly-support.eu/dashboard-en/) doesn't work anymore, or can't login.
Managed to find what seems to be the new web location of the Shelly community forum, but it also seems the old credentials to login doesn't work anymore.
From a quick look, it seems even that the old forum content is gone!?
So it also seems that the old threads I created are gone!?

Can you please highlinghten me or confirm, if my assumptions above are correct? 


As @horkatz mentioned the known forum under the name "shelly-support.eu" was known for helping the German speaking community. This was renamed to "smarthome-forum.eu"

This forum is the Official Shelly Forum where people from all over the world come for advice solutions and guides.

The login credentials from the "shelly-support" should be carried over the the "smarthome-forum" but I dont know how and what was done there regarding your posts or login details. As far as i know all your links / posts should still be active there.


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Thank you for your comments and helpfull information!
Meanwhile from the answers to another post I published in this forum, I also realized the other forum was still around, under a different address. My old credentials worked too!
I was just misleaded by the sign-in page where I landed, when tried to access the old URL. Maybe an information regarding the new adress and eventually some context, would be helpfull for those o get there like me.

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49 minutes ago, Conchas said:

Thank you for your comments and helpfull information!
Meanwhile from the answers to another post I published in this forum, I also realized the other forum was still around, under a different address. My old credentials worked too!
I was just misleaded by the sign-in page where I landed, when tried to access the old URL. Maybe an information regarding the new adress and eventually some context, would be helpfull for those o get there like me.

This is up to the Admin of that forum to address the changes I think they might have but I can understand the confusion. 

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