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Sensors drop out after a couple days


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I'm puzzled, I have several BLU HT sensors that I have running and connected to pro-1's, pro-2's and pro-3em's within 20-30ft and some even next to devices and they all drop off after a couple days and will not reconnect unless I delete them and setup again?? What am I missing here? 

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On 9/23/2024 at 4:49 PM, JustFutsin said:

Yes done everything imaginable. Finally realized that the devices I'm connecting them to didn't have BT Gateway enabled. That solved the problem, but I've noticed that that option somehow by some reason gets disabled? 

Thats strange. The settings should never have been disabled with out someone turning it off. 

Question maybe could have been a bug. did you update the device that was the blu gateway during that time ? 

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I have a Shelly BLU HT that I purchased this summer. I have recently noticed that there seems to be long intervals between updates. I had it excluded from the global activity log as it created a lot of messages with updates every minute. In order to see if anything was received I included it in the global activity log. No new updates were received. The local activity log has not had a timestamp since June 17th.

On the device it said last reporter was in touch yesterday morning.

I have now done a factory reset twice. In both cases it made not much difference as no new temperature updates were received. The last reporter was updated, but no entry in the local or global activity log.

I have also tried using different reporters. It has not made any difference as temperature still does not get updated.

Is there some sort of firmware issue or a problem in the app? It does communicate, but no temperature updates.


Update 9-OCT-24

Submitted ticket 131281.

After a factory reset the temperature has now been updated. No updates in activity log.





Edited by TomL
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