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Shelly coupling Light switch


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I need following function:

If a light switch is switched, where a shelly is connected, another shelly should switch on another light whenever the light switch is on.

Is this possible with Shelly devices?

If yes, which devices are needed?

Can you adjust this in the app?


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Ist denn bei beiden L und N vorhanden (Stromversorgung Shelly)

dann passen diese beiden Shellys doch schon (siehe Anschlussschema) 

am Plus I4 gehen sogar 4 Schalter, besser sind natürlich Taster (mehr Schaltmöglichkeiten) gibt es auch von Shelly


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2 hours ago, StefanP said:


I need following function:

If a light switch is switched, where a shelly is connected, another shelly should switch on another light whenever the light switch is on.

Is this possible with Shelly devices?

If yes, which devices are needed?

Can you adjust this in the app?


this can be done with scenes

you can set rules when light A is turned on then turn on Light B and or C

if this is what you are trying to do this can be done with any Shelly relay. If you go the i4 route then this can send commands to other Shelly Relays to turn on and off

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