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Blinds become uncontrollable (blinds move 3% up & down in endless loop)


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Hi all

I installed a Shelly Plus 2PM in cover mode to control the room blinds. Calibration works as expected. I can control the blinds directly from the Shelly AP Wifi through the webpage and also through the Shelly App if I connect to the home wifi network. I can also manually control the blinds through 2 conventional wall-mounted push buttons connected on the Shelly electrically.

However, very often, when asking the blinds to go to say 50% (or any %), the blinds go down to 50% then move up by ~3% and then go down to 50% again and again. The Shelly becomes unresponsive/unreachable at this time and I can hear the relays clicking on and off constantly. The only way to recover is to turn the circuit off from the breaker, essentially forcing Shelly to reboot  

This appears to be the case both through the AP-based webpage and through the phone App. I have tried going through the calibration a few times and am using the latest firmware and android app versions. If I set the Device Profile to Switch instead of Cover, I can control the blinds without an issue, so it's really the percentage control that causes the issue.
I suspect that there's some configuration setting, that I am missing, which will protect Shelly from getting into this endless loop.

Would you please advise?

Thank you!


Edited by Nikos
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