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Addon does not work (Shelly Plus 1)


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i am using Shelly Plus 1 since years working correctly.

Now I added a Addon connected to a magnetic switch in order to detect a shutters state (open/closed).

Within the App, the Shelly Plus 1 does not show any state change, although I double checked the magnetic switch with Arduino where it works fine.

Is there anything wrong how I wired up the Add-On/sensor ? Is there a way to check if the Add-On is working ?






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Du hast das AddOn in der WebUI aktiviert?


Anschluss sieht gut Aus

hast du die Schrauben zu fest angezogen? Sind nur 0,1 Nm (also fast nix)

Brücke doch einfach mal die beiden Anschüsse, also GND und Digital In

Quelle: https://kb.shelly.cloud/knowledge-base/shelly-plus-add-on


Edited by Dreckfresse
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