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issue with new firmware


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Hi, I have a problem that occurred on Gen3 H&T. I performed the update
The problem consists in the system blocking after 4 or 5 hours of operation. I am forced to remove the power supply and reintegrate it after a few seconds. Does anyone know where to find version 1.3.3 or earlier? Can a downgrade be performed? Can it be flashed from USB?

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Same problem here. In this case the display gets stuck in "reset" (8s everywhere). Also it gets warm, uses a lot of battery.

I have another HT3 upgraded only to 1.3.3 and it seem to not have this issue.

I want to try to downgrade as well. There is the firmware archive, but I'm not sure it applies to gen2+ devices? Cant' find a v1.3.3 there.

Edited by Hmsub90
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Same problem here - all kinds of issues, seems like it's a memory leak in the firmware because it behaves well first then it crashes in various ways. I even got the vendor send me a new one, but when that one also started to mess up after firmware update I realize that the 1.4.2 firmware is bad.

Edited by ehsnils
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I seem to have the same issue - intermittently disconnecting from the WiFi network, display gets stuck, device gets warm (temp. measurement is a few degrees above ambient when I quickly reset it by unplugging/plugging USB cable). Also have the latest firmware, but I think it was happening prior to last upgrade.

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Hello i have the same problem  2PM (roller) not working in OpenHab after update to1.4.2

I am new to Shelly !

- I see many question but no solutions ?   Das Shelly do noting ?

- I did ask for also an version 1.3.3 but no answer from people who have it.

- I see here also some one ask for the version he gets also no answer ?

-  why do people not share the software ?

-   to Ralf  verstappen :    EN - Did you get the version 1.3.3 - DE  Hast du die version 1.3.3 bekommen - NL Heb jij de versie 1.3.3 gekregen       

   FOUND and i share it to help others :   https://github.com/mongoose-os-apps/shelly-homekit/issues/1428


Edited by Tisme_Martin
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1 - what problem ?

2 - It is not impossible to find 1.3.3.    I did find it and linked it as always when i can help somebody.

3 - I am still have no solution for my problem !  Downgrade to 1.3.3 will also not work for the problem with te 2PM with Cover state.

I had FW 1.07 that's working everything OK after upgrade it works  and seen in the binding but after i did chose Cover (for Roller)  its over.

The 2PM was gone not finding in the binding and those i already installed gives the message "no connection"     

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