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Controlling linear actuator

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Hello! I'm brand new to Shelly relays and looking for validation and/or guidance on how I could use a Shelly relay to control a linear actuator currently being used to open and close a metal cellar door. 

The actuator in use is a Progressive Automations linear actuator with hall effect feedback (https://www.progressiveautomations.com/products/hall-effect-sensor-actuator?variant=18283068162115) and a 24 VDC actuator controller (https://www.progressiveautomations.com/products/pa-40-24vdc). 

believe I should be able to use a 2 channel Shelly relay (was looking at the Shelly Plus 2PM UL) to give me WiFi enabled phone app control of this actuator, but I'm looking for those of you with more experience than me to help validate my thinking (or correct me!)

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!

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This could be a solution:

The Shelly device is supplied by the same power source as used for the linear motor control. The motor control remains at its place to ensure the proper function of hall control. Shelly plus 2PM does the function of a manual switch.



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Unfortunately, the Manufacturer doesn’t indicate if the potential at switch COM terminal is the same as at power COM terminal. Would suggest to do some measurements prior to wiring the Shelly:

(a) Resistance Measurement 
Disconnect the control box from linear motor and power supply. Measure the resistance between terminal COM (Pin 2 of plug A) and terminal Power COM (Pin 2 of plug C). If there’s no or very low resistance, all is fine.

(b) Potential Measurement
Power the system up with all required connections. Execute a voltage measurement between terminal COM (Pin 2 of plug A) and terminal Power COM (Pin 2 of plug C). If there’s no or very low voltage, all is fine.

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@thgoebel Thanks again for your initial response. I reached out to the manufacturer and they shared that the resistance would be 2.4 Ohms as it would be a direct connection input-output would have the same 24VDC.

They did also share this link (https://www.progressiveautomations.com/blogs/how-to/using-relays-to-control-high-current-actuator-with-low-current-control-box?_pos=2&_sid=324c3f05e&_ss=r), in case it's helpful in determining whether I could use Shelly relays in this configuration. 

My other thought was something like this could work, without the need for the Arduino and I would just control with the WiFi connectivity on the Shelly relay. https://www.progressiveautomations.com/blogs/how-to/how-to-use-relays-to-control-linear-actuators?_pos=1&_sid=5ffdffc67&_ss=r

Thanks in advance for any further help you can provide!

Edited by jwatson0405
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