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0-10V Dimmer Plus: 0-10V PWM to 0-10V Analog for LED Driver

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Hello Community,

I am new to Shelly and bought me a Shelly Plus 0-10V Dimmer.

The Dimmer doesn't work with my LED-Panel Driver from EagleRise, Model FLS-40-1050 0-10V LA.

After some research I found out that the Shelly delivers a PWM Signal with a peak-voltage of 10V.

Now it seems, that this PWM-Signal is not supported by the led driver.

Is there a simple way to bring it to life?

Do I need an addon or something like that?

Hope you can help me.



P.S.: The setup in the picture is only for test purposes.


Edited by klka
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Obviously, the LED driver needs a variable voltage of 0-10V DC, but no PWM signal. Best solution (A) would be to use a Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM. This device delivers a clean DC signal at its DIM output.

Another solution (B) would be to use a PWM to DC converter (available for example at Amazon) with the Shelly plus 0-10V Dimmer:


Thirdly (C), you may try to feed the Dim input of the LED driver with an active PWM signal: The Shelly plus 0-10V Dimmer delivers a passive PWM signal - as you supposed, with an Add-On plus it may be converted into an active PWM signal:


This is an attempt only - possibly, the LED driver doesn’t accept a PWM signal. In this case the third solution will fail.



Edited by thgoebel
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