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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Inputs broken in attached and detached state


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I was playing with detached inputs and scripts to handle them. I then deleted the scripts and upgraded firmware to 1.4.2. Shelly Plus RGBW PM is now in very strange state. It is set up to control 4 separate leds. Two of them are connected to W and B (R and G outputs are not connected). Unit is connected to Shelly 4 switch.

If I set all buttons to be detached, then every single of them has a behaviour of toggling all leds on/off (expectation - they should not do anything)

If I set all buttons to be attached, then on each press, they toggle state of every input and then additionally toggle the state of led according to button press (so led in question blinks and then goes out, but other gets toggled).

I thought it is a lingering script running messing things up, but there are no scripts present/running reported anywhere.

I can try doing factory reset, but would like first to confirm if it is some known issue, or if you need some extra debug logs to diagnose it.



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