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Electric Inslab Heating

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I building a home with multiple in-slab electric heating zones.  Because of the power required I can only heat one or two zones at a time, so my plan would be to cycle the zones in half hour intervals until the temperature is reached - the cycle would continue, skipping zones that are at the required temperature until all of the zones are heated.

Plot twist, can I link the heating to the output of my solar panels?

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  • 2 weeks later...

this would need some sort of automation that I don't know if Home assistant can do as I have never tried something like this. 

this could be done with scripting but that might take some crazy effort. Scenes would be a possibility but you would need to create scenes that are dependant on other scenes to do the rotation. In short yes it could be possible but long story its going to be super complex how you trying to do it. 

But again I have never tried anything like this maybe others have 

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