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Phone notification from script

Martin G

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Add function in script to trigger a phone notification, from Shelly Smart Control (as Scenes can do).

For instance, could be : Cloud.Notify("This is a notification").

Would work only if device (on which the script is running) is connected to Cloud of course.

Edited by Martin G
typo error
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Currently, only a scene can raise a notification. Indeed, the 'When' condition can be a device status. Unfortunately, virtual components do not show up in the list of possible "devices" for the 'When' condition.
So, yes, another option, rather than directly use a script function (e.g. Cloud.Notify) could be to allow virtual components state to trigger scenes as 'When' condition (and then the 'Do' action would be : Phone Notification).
So, instead of directly use Cloud.Notify function, the script would set a given value to a virtual component (type Number for instance) which in turn would trigger a scene that sends a notification.

Maybe even better/more flexible solution.


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