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3EM Switch Add-on switches on unwanted

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Hi, I have a Pro 3EM with an Add-on (actually I those twice) and a few weeks ago I added 2 Actions and a Schedule in the Shelly app and I've added the Pro 3EM to Home Assistant. Since a few days something strange is going on; when I manually switch it off (in Shelly app or in HA), it switches on again automatically. Sometimes after a minute, sometimes after a few minutes. This switching on should not be coming from the Actions, nor Schedule and also not from HA, because I have not made Automations for it in HA. To be sure I disabled the Actions and Schedule in the Shelly App. But still it is switching on. 

Can I find detailed logs somewhere, to try to find out from where to Add-on is getting this "switch on" command all the time?

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  • 3 weeks later...

here you should be able to get the logs of the device and well as the device logs 

one set of logs are the settings of the device the other set of logs is what the device is doing. 

I see that this post was opened a while ago did you manage to find the issue 

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