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Shelly Wall Display operating with low voltage possible?

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Hi guys,

I want to use more of the Shelly Devices in my camper and would like to use the Wall Display for this.
However it's only running on 230V and I have only 12V or below permanently available.
Is there any chance to bypass the internal power supply or a different wa to get the wall display running in a camper?
I believe there is a huge market as with Shelly devices you'ld be able to automate many things in a camper... 😉

Thanks for your thoughts and advises


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If you - at your own risk! - want to operate the wall display without the power supply, connect 12V DC as follows:


The switching input is on pin 11 (directly next to pin 10, +12V). It is active when pin 11 (SW) is connected to GND (pin 9). The control of the bistable relay has not yet been researched...

When fed with 12V DC, the display module temporarily requires about 210mA.

Addendum: By the way, the display module runs up from 5.5V without any problems, but pulls up to 500mA. That could bring the step-down converter included in the module to the load limit...

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