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Two Shelly 3EM for measuring solar production


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Ok, I need help setting up my 2 Shelly 3EM devices. I have one set up in my power provider fuse box for the last 2 years. It works great by measuring power taken from the grid and power sent to the grid. I had to swap transformers from K-->L (grid to load) to L-->K where L is coming from the grid and K to load. In that way, I got the correct values when my solar panels generated more power than my household uses (negative values). 

I bought another 3EM and my idea is to put it directly behind solar panels so I can measure my solar production. Can someone write a CORRECT way of setting up these two? If I set it up with transformers as in manual where K are solar panels and L towards the house then I get negative values in the app which is ok BUT in home assistant produced energy stays 0. Also "Total Real Time energy" in the shelly app combines my grid source and solar panel and shows incorrect values. 

If I set transformers in reverse order, as in my grid fuse box, where L is towards solar panels and K is towards the house, then I get POSITIVE values in the Shelly app as if solar panels are consuming energy. But this way, I get accurate energy values in HA, and the energy dashboard is correct. 

This is how it's setup for now because in this way I get correct readings in Home Assistant (I think):image.thumb.png.42fbdce98a072f87749b1a69aa8e4370.png

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