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High frequency switching up to 3 kHz for 0-10V generator

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I want to use the UNI plus to steer a 0-10V ventilation unit.

I have bought a PWM to 0-10V convertor. Question is what the maximum frequency is that I can switch the outputs of the UNI?

I did a quick try with a Shelly.Call and a timer, but once the timer goes below 100ms the script disables itself (probably because it becomes too resource intensive. Is there a way to get to a switching rate of 3 kHz?

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Why not use a Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3? This device has a smooth 0-10V DC output, which makes the PWM to 0-10V convertor obsolete.

And no: The Shelly UNI (plus) isn’t capable to emit a PWM signal (at least with a reasonable frequency).


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I will buy a Shelly 0-10V device.

I use the UNI plus to read the 0-10V output of a CO2 sensor. I hoped to be able to just foreward the 0-10V signal, and also manually set the 0-10V signal though the app.

Can I set the 0-10V of the dimmer by programming the UNI?

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Thank you for suggesting the Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3. Couldn't yet find it on the EU market, one sites listed it as to be delivered from 20 sept 2024 onwards.

Don't bother for the programming thing. I'll just buy and try.

Thank you for the great support!

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12 minutes ago, Vancaeyzeele said:

Can I set the 0-10V of the dimmer by programming the UNI?

You may set the voltage at the output of the Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM with an „action“. It’s an instance of Light.



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