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Bi-directional motor


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I'm planning to use this relay for a ventilation fan. The AC motor has two inputs for different RPM, with a common neutral. It is normally operated with a pull-chain. Converting this fan to relay-operated should be easy.

However, I'm not able to disable the time limit in cover-mode.

How can I run the motor continuously in cover-mode?

In normal mode, I'm not able to set up the 2PM to only close one output at the time. Closing both outputs simultaneously is not optimal for the motor.


Best regards, Jørgen

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  • 4 weeks later...

cover mode would not be the correct option for this as it is more for the roller shutter mode. 

the solution I would use for this use case is 2 pm in two relays mode and then then create two scenes
scene one is when relay one is on then relay two must go off 
scene two is when relay two is on then relay one must go off 

below is the example of the two scenes

with this you can then turn on the one relay that would then have the motor spin in one direction and then when to turn it in the other direction the other relay turns off. 
test that and see if it helps 

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