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Glossary of Product Name Elements


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Using the website, it's not that easy to drill down and make choices across the different product types and evolutions.

Product names are compounds of different elements.

The name can't be expected to say everything, true, but a summary table at some heiarchical level and a glossary of terms would be very useful.


So for example with my Use Case =  power on /off for a electric storage heater, approx 3kW element etc, it would be really helpful if Shelly could outline the main differences say between

- Gen1 ; Plus ; Gen3 ; Pro ; Wave ;Quibino   each of which seems relevant

and then within that the meaning of product name parts : 

- 1 ; 1PM ; 1L ; 2.5 ; EM ; UL ; mini

I'm almost there doing it the hard way, looking up each product one at a time and trying to find differences, but suspect I'm not alone just wanting to make this easier.


A complementary way might be to have a multi-parameter user input page based on device functionality  :

- The system names, describes and elicits the functions 

- The system provides the range of values for each function 

- The user makes their selection of function(s) and value(s) and sends the query

- The system presents the range of matching devices


Edited by jcridge
added missing words
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There is a product filter.

This is something BUT it seems to operate on an "OR" basis not an "AND".

Generally a user would like to see products that match criteria1 AND criteria2 AND .... criteriaN etc

It is too easy with the OR type filter to generate a very long list of products, some of which are not at all appropriate but which require the user to read at significant detail to eliminate them 

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Hi, to confirm are you talking about the forum? 

The reason it's split into versions is that some versions can do some things and others cannot. 
However, I am willing to make it easier for new users to the products that might not be as familiar. 

There are always improvements to the forum that can be made it's just a matter of finding the most simple and user-friendly that everyone is happy with. This is however not always possible. 

Would a single post about all the products and what they can and cant do or a use case of each product be of more help as a new comer to the Shelly world? 

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