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Gas Meter / Gaszähler


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writing in english because Shelly is probably more of an international topic.

I always wanted to be able to read my (mechanical) gas meter to get my current gas usage. Was a kind of longtime project. Means, that for a very long time I did nothing 😉 Lately I planed to switch from gas heating to an electric heat pump. Would be good to know the required "size" (how many kW this is). Now I had a reason to finally get stuff done. I noticed the possibility to add a digital switch to a shelly via the addon. So I got myself an addon and a reed-sensor, because my gas meter has a magnetic indicator on the lowest digit wheel (10 l gas per turn). After getting used to the scripting language (once upon a time I wasn't that bad in VB/VB.Net lol) I created a script that get's triggered by the on and off events of the reed-sensor. After each full turn, it sends a message to a php script on one of my websites where the data is stored into a mysql database for ... "later use". So far it works, now I'm doing the fine tuning, error catching etc. Next step will be adding 5 DS18B20 for collecting data from the gas heater. 

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