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Shelly Pro EM - not showing correct values

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Hi community,

I have an issue with the Pro EM, that it does not show the correct values.
My Pro EM is connected to a small solar inverter (800W max) with 2 solar panels.
When I look into my OpenDTU at those values and compare them to what the Shelly Pro EM is showing, both values differ much between each other...
As you can see from the pictures, Current and Voltage are the same between both, but the "Power Factor" and "Active Power" is different...
And if I multiply V*A Shelly get's the same value like the OpenDTU. But why is it showing as different value (active power)?

Is there something that needs to be calibrated?

FW running on Shelly is 1.4.3

Thanks for the help!



Edited by Shelly PRO 3EM
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Active power takes the power factor (cos phi) into account: Active = U * I * cos phi. The value itself is therefore correct.

With a pure PV feed-in, the Shelly should measure a PF of 1. That is really strange.

Where exactly is the CT connected and how is the PRO EM connected overall?

Edited by tvbshelly
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The CT is located directly in the distribution cabinet.
what do you exactly mean by "how is the EM connected" 

Well I can say, that the second CT connector (EM1(0)) is actually working correctly as it shows a power factor of 1.


SO as the other one is working, I assume the general connection is good.

I read somewhere that there should be some calicration, but I could not find it.


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