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Comparison to similar products - will there be similar features?


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Hi there,

I recently started to test and use the Wave Shutters and are quite happy with the price tag, functionality and quality of the product.

However, I am coming from Fibaro Roller Shutter 3. There are - amongst others that I don't care too much such as double and long press handling of the switches - two features I am missing:

- Tilting the slats: The Fibaros do that without always going back to "open" position and then tilting again, they just tilt the difference and are quite precise with that

- The Fibaros offer two switches to turn operation them on and off (called protection mode) - they are really useful if you have a door that goes under the blinds and will potentially damage the blinds if they are closed while that door is open. You can deactivate the operation of both the local switch and remote operation wie Z-wave once the door is opened with these settings. It is also quite useful if you have a lot of automation and one blind is not going smoothly. You can deactivate it until it is fixed and can be sure that there is no automatic operation (or manual operation by other persons).


Is there any chance we get these features via OTA updates?

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Thank you for the message and the proposals.

Regarding the slats tilting time, we perform checks to ensure the slats are positioned precisely. During testing, we noticed that if the slats are adjusted without resetting them to 0%, the positioning may become less accurate over time, especially when moving between 1% and 98% tilt. I will still include this note in the proposals for the Shutter

I did not find the feature you're describing? Is this a parameter or how it is controlled?

It the features will be implemented will be available trough the OTA update.

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Thanks for your reply.

Tilting: I think a parameter to either activate or deactivate the "turn to 0%, than turn to target value" would be the way to satisfy all needs. Is it realistic that this will be implemented?

The "deactivate" feature is not implemented at all as of today with the Shelly devices, that is in fact my request. It would help in case of needing to deactivate operation of a device either locally with the physical switch or remotely. This way, I have to install my "old" Fibaro Wave Shutter 3 everywhere where it is "critical", means awnings (I deactivate them when on vacation to safely avoid operation through automations) and blinds / Venetian blinds that have a door moving in their operation area (I deactivate operation when the door is open).

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