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Shelly Plug: how to use MQTT with TLS connection


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I use MQTT server with ports 1883 and 8883, with self-signed certificate. Tested with other clients, both connections work.

However, I can't make Shelly PlugS to connect over TLS. It works with non-SSL connection.

I set connection type to "User TLS", and disable "Use client cert..." option:



Under TLS Configuration settings, I upload PEM file with certificate used by the server:


The pem file is in format:


I don't upload other 2 certificates (Custom client certificate and Custom client key) because I disabled client identification.


I restart the device, and watch logs:


shos_mqtt_conn.c:623 MQTT0: Connecting to ( SSL
shos_mqtt_conn.c:512 MQTT0: Connect status 256
shos_mqtt_conn.c:885 MQTT0: Connecting after 55117 ms

Server log:

2024-08-12 01:57:37,993 TRACE - Client with IP '' sent SNI hostname ''
2024-08-12 01:57:38,024 TRACE - Client null disconnected ungracefully.

So the result is that Shelly can't connect to my mqtt server over SSL.

Can someone explain me how is this supposed to work?


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Well, I made it work, but using standard server certificate. I didn't need to use user TLS.

Problem was that Shelly failed to connect to HiveMQ broker, but I replaced it by Mosquitto, since then TLS connections work as expected.

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