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power consumption scene trigger not firing

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Hello everybody!

I have a shelly plus 2pm that's controlling a shutter. On the same window there's a screen door on which I've put a shelly blu door and window sensor. Because the shutter would crush the screen door if it rolled down while the screen door is open, I want to use the door and window sensor to keep the shutter from rolling down, when the screen door is open. It seems pretty straight forward.

Obstacle protection doesn't work, because the voltage of the shutter motor varies too much.

So I tried setting up a custom scene. First thing I tried was use the roller position as a trigger. So "roller position below 100%" as a trigger and "open roller" as the action. Basically hoping to achieve that when the shutter starts moving downwards it just opens back up pretty much immediately. This doesn't work, because the shelly apparently only updates the shutter position, once it has stopped moving.

Then I tried power consumption as a trigger. So "power consumed is more than 0W" as a trigger, again "open roller" as the action. I tried all three trigger modes (although I believe "any change" should be the correct one) but the trigger isn't firing at all.

What does work is a custom action for the 2pm. So "when roller is closing" then "open roller". Reaction time is almost instant and would save my screen door from being crushed, but I can't combine the custom action with the condition of the door and window sensor. 

I was also looking into URL commands, but can't seem to find a way to enable and disable a custom action via URL command. I could use URL commands to set the physical buttons to detached mode when the screen door is open, but that would only solve part of my problem, because I would still be able to control the shutter via the shelly app or google home.

Any help or tips to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. There's a toddler running around my house who loves closing our shutters and it's only a matter of time before the screen door is a goner 😄


Edited by fuchur86
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I'm facing the same issue as you are ( shelly plus 2 PM + shelly blu door/window ).

I want to prevent my shutter from closing if door/window is open in order to avoid any damages to my shutter.
For this I believe I would have to make any scene that closes the shutter depend on the blu door / window status. Also I need to prevent the switch from working if anywone just manually presses the button. 
anywone as any idea on how to achieve this?

Thank you.

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