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Is there any useful template / dev environment for Shelly script project?

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I think, it would be really useful to have some template project or starter JS/TS project which have common things configured:

- standard JS project with package.json with useful pre-defined scripts and README.md with basic info / documentation (not long)

- JavaScript or TypeScript support (where TS files from src folder are transpiled into dist folder) and of course dist folder will be mentioned in .gitignore file

- ESLint for static code analysis with useful rules that will be helpful for Shelly-specific environment (which will take into consideration Shelly Script Language Features and limitations (which are defined in https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/Scripts/ShellyScriptLanguageFeatures)

- checks for Shelly limitations like:

 •• max. size of output script file,

 •• exceeded Resource Limits (defined in: https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/Scripts/ShellyScriptLanguageFeatures#resource-limits):

 •• Limited levels of nested anonymous functions (https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/Scripts/ShellyScriptLanguageFeatures#limited-levels-of-nested-anonymous-functions)

\---> most of them can be implemented in ESLint (as custom ESLint plugin or using no-restricted-sytax rule)


- build tool to transpile modern syntax of TS/JS language into Shelly compatibile subset of JS (for example: Vite / swc / esbuild / Babel, ...)

- possibility to make debugging more easy

  • simple example which just occurred to my mind - create 2 output JS shelly scripts:
    1.) development version (with enabled debug logging)
    2.) production version (where final JS shelly script will not contain debug related code like logs, ...

- optional: unit testing support (for testing code locally, with some helpful mocks)


I know how to implement all of the ideas I mentioned. I have already completed a small portion (approximately 10%) of one of my projects. However, I do not have the time to improve and implement the above-mentioned ideas, or it will be very slow if you wait for me to complete them.

Edited by xnd
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