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NOTICE / HINWEIS: iOS 18 Update and Today Widgets ×

Auto on/off takes precedence over schedule


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I have a Shelly Plus Plug S (among other Shelly devices), and I want to make a schedule for the Plug S so it turns on at a particular time, and the off some time later. At the same time I want to be able to switch it on manually (typically through an Android device or an iOS device) whereafter it should switch off after 60s or so if the scheduled timing for "on" is not met.

Unfortunately, the auto on/off timer takes precedence over the schedule, so whenever the plug is switched on by the schedule, it is shut off again after 60s because of the auto on/off function.

Could you perhaps include an option for the auto on/off timer to not interfere with the schedule?

Another way could be an option to proritize schedules over the auto/on off timer.

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