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Shelly Plus Plug S - Detached Mode: How to create actions for the button?

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Hi everybody,

the switch of the device is put in "Detached Mode".

How I can I create actions in web interface for the button?

In the documentation is written:

  • Choose between an attached or detached switch. If you select the detached switch, the device's output won't be affected by its input. Instead, the device can only be controlled online when the detached switch is enabled. However, you can still create actions for the device's input button, which will continue to function as normal.

But there is no option in the web interface to create actions based on the input.

There is only the option to chose the condition of "Switch toggled on" and "Switch toggled off".
If the switch is attached then this is no problem as then you can use the button using the switch status.
However if it is detached, then the button cannot be used for actions. Which is contradiction to what is written in the docs.

Thanks and regards,


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  • Shelly

Hello, at the moment it is not possible to create button actions or scenes with plus plug s.

But please leave a feature request using the device and feature request form below:


The more of these inquiries received, the higher the likelihood that the customer's wishes will be implemented - if it is technically possible.

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