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Shelly Pro EM 50 not working correctly with firmware 1.3.2

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Few day after firmware upgrade (1.3.2) the information about Channel 1 energy meter was 0.
Durring the night the power decrease to 0.
I try to restart , reset log without succes.
What is working during one day is to power off and power on, after that  the channel was ok during one day.
I don't find the way to downgrade firmware. That i have by the past.
I try to open this page but i don' t find the correct device http://archive.shelly-tools.de/
After few exchange with the support they ask me to do a factory reset.
After a factory reset I had already em1:0  with current near to zero.
After power off and on (five second between) already em1:0  with current near to zero.
After power off and wait 1 minute , I have correct value since this morning.
If it can help ...
Best regards,
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