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DIN Rail Automation in new house


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I am building a new house and would like to have all my light switches and shutters if possible (if not thats fine) controlled through a module that is centralized on the DIN rail.

I ve already installed modules behind the light switches for a relative but if there is a way to have everything controlled in a centralized location then that is better.

I ve noticed that Pro 4m DIN rail module but I cant seem to get how it is then connected to the light switches.

I mean, what does my electrician need to put in the DIN rail box for this to work and what in the actual switches in the various rooms?


Appreciate any help I can get to get me started researching this

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  • Shelly

There are many ways to control the Pro devices, which are installed centrally in a large control box:

-Direct connection to the respective SW input of the Pro devices: increased cabling effort to and from the wall switches

-Communication via HTTP requests/webhooks (actions): here, for example, a Shelly i4 could be installed behind the wall switches and communicate directly with the Pro devices wirelessly

-Communication via Bluetooth (via scripting or scenes) with the new wall switches  https://www.shelly.com/en/products/shop/blu-wall-switch/legrand-stand-alone-adapter   Advantage: Switches can be placed anywhere in the room, no wiring required

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