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Consumption calculations error

Bruno Riberolles

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  • 1 year later...

Good morning,

It seems this issue stil persists. I am using an EM to monitor a PV setup. On the history tab it seems as if it is not considering the fact that the appliance type for clamp monitoring the inverter production is set to "generated energy" and is considering it as a consumption of the house. See image 1 attached, the green columns which are described as "generated" are actually the energy that has been exported to the grid.

Also on the real time tab in image 2, the "total real time energy" is correct displaying how much energy the house is currently using, but in the "energy by appliance type" window the unknown energy calculation is not correct. If i click on unknown, a pop up window explains the formula for the calculation "Unknown is calculated as follows: Grid source + Generated energy - All known appliances. It seems that it is not considering that in this instance, the grid power is actually negative (as can be seen at the bottom right) and the result should be 116.8W instead of the 10.81kW displayed.

image 1.png

image 2.png

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